Elliotte> This not at all what Niemetz is doing. He does not question the
    Elliotte> basic science of C-14 dating. He's questioning the accuracy of
    Elliotte> certain C-14 samples to within a few hundred years margin of
    Elliotte> error. Specifically, he suggests that original incorrect
    Elliotte> assumptions about the dates of certain samples led C-14 dating
    Elliotte> for that period to be incorrectly calibrated. That's a lot more
    Elliotte> plausible than claiming that the Earth is only 5000 years
    Elliotte> old. Even if Niemetz is completely right, this would have no
    Elliotte> significant impact on issues like when the Earth was formed and
    Elliotte> when dinosaurs lived. Any paleontologist/geologist would tell
    Elliotte> you that their estimates aren't accurate to within +-300 years,
    Elliotte> with or without C-14 dating.

Ahh, well then.  I stand corrected, at least until I've read the C14 thing.
I've been bashing nonsense in other forums recently and the language in the
history paper sounded too much like an intro to a proof that Earth is flat.  I
was caught up in the heat of battle :-)

    Elliotte> The question of why Europe suddenly fell into the Dark Ages has
    Elliotte> been a hotly debated subject for a long time. It's astonishing
    Elliotte> to consider that the answer might be that it never happened at
    Elliotte> all.  --

The answer is actually quite simple: they were working on a character set!  It
took longer in those days.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab                    Television has raised writing
New Mexico State University               to a new low.
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL                       -- Samuel Goldwyn
Las Cruces, NM  88003

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