At 16:41 -0700 2003-07-18, Michael \(michka\) Kaplan wrote:
I am pretty sure you have to be wrong here, Michael. Attend me:

1) API converts from Unicode to the wrong code page
2) API does some sort of work with the string
3) API tries to display the string

How on earth could it from the Last Resort font, unless it is a generic
glyph that contains no script info (which would be no better than a question
mark or a NULL glyph) ?

Hm. See where it shows glyphs for "illegal" characters (FFFE/FFFF etc.) as well as "undefined" characters (valid code positions which have not been assigned). I thought somehow that there was a glyph for "broken" characters (characters that were just plain wrong) as well.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *

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