> Paul Albrecht wrote:
> > I think the 2-branch configuration where one branch is ro and the other
> > is rw is the normative case and the other scenarios are more
> > hypothetical than real world.
> I am trying to use unionfs for hierarchical storage management:
> Multiple rw branches, each with distinct storage type and
> backup policies.  I want to explicitly assign files and
> directories to specific branches.  For example:
> myproject/src/        on a RAID1 array with weekly snapshots.
> myproject/downloads/  on a regular disk with monthly backups.
> myproject/build/      on a fast disk without backups.
> This is actually much simpler than a liveCD - whiteouts and CoW
> are not even needed.  But unfortunaly some recent simplifications
> have made it harder to use unionfs with multiple rw branches for
> this kind of application.
> So please do not focus too much on the liveCD scenario !

Pascal and all,

Live-cds indeed make the bulk of unioning users, but that doesn't mean we
can't find a way to make everyone happy.  I personally think multiple
writeable branches is a very useful feature, and we're working on a fix to
the multiple writeable branches, Pascal; also, we're looking into ways to
further reduce the number of whiteout files needed (the latter needs some
re-architecting of the unionfs_lookup code, but that'll be well worth it b/c
it'd allow us to resolve a few other pending issues).

I believe that if several users are asking for a certain feature (esp. if
they scream loud :-), then it's well worth considering that feature.  What I
want to avoid very much, is cluttering the code, or making it more complex,
or breaking things for others.  More complexity usually costs you dearly
indirectly (new bugs introduced, unexpected performance impacts, etc.).
Also, we'd like to keep the lkml community happy with the unionfs code
(i.e., no ugly/dirty/quick hacks :-)

> Regards,
> Pascal

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