The Ruby group (URUG) moved from mailman to Google Groups and it was a
mostly smooth transition.  I know of other lists that use Google Groups as a
front-end to ease the load on their list app instance.

You can subscribe and unsubscribe without ever having to create a Google
account if you wish, just send an email to one of the following email


I prefer Google Groups to Yahoo or MSN, and even to the privately hosted
lists.  The search is much better and its easier for me to manage my
subscriptions.  I'd welcome the change.


On 8/19/07, Wade Preston Shearer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I am toying with the idea of dropping Mailman for Google Groups and
> would like some feedback from the group. Mailman is a nice, old
> friend that has giving years of dedicated service to the community,
> but his age is showing. Sure, once you get it configured and locked
> down, it will run like a champ for years on end, but installing and
> configuring Mailman is a royal pain and even adding/editing lists,
> administering services, and managing personal accounts is a pain. The
> interface is archaic and horrible from a usability standpoint.
> Mailman's features are excellent, but they aren't any good if you
> can't figure out how to use them or it is so complicated that you
> don't want to bother. Plus the archives aren't searchable. Plus the
> archives display your email address un-obsficated.
> While I have considered alternate solutions off an on in the past,
> the upcoming project of rebuilding the server has be considering it
> very seriously now. Another motivation is the desire for a more
> robust and flexible solution that better meets the needs of all
> users. I have longed for some time for a solution that married a
> forum and a mailing list into one, so that the forum people would be
> happy and the email people would be happy… with posts coming from
> both email and web-based interface and being one and the same…
> perfectly synchronized and users only interacting through the medium
> they desire and receiving notifications in the manner they desire.
> Well, there is a solution that does just this: Google Groups. And,
> it's free. And it has a very slick, user-friendly interface. And it's
> archives are searchable. And it obsficates your email address. You
> can even receive the post via RSS if you are so inclined. I am still
> checking to see if I can import our old archives, but assuming that
> that and everyone having to have a Good Account are the only
> downsides, what does everyone think? I think that I'm ready to make
> the switch. We would still post to, the mail would
> just be delivered from [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead. It does
> digest mode and everything.
> What do you think?
> wade
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