I think this looks like a viable weather data source. The fact that we'd have our own feed url is a plus and we can make a point to include a little extra info in the default deploy of the portlet on how to contact them if you have heavy usage.


Dustin S. wrote:
I have recently been in contact with AccuWeather.com to explore the possibility of using their services for weather data.

AccuWeather.com's services are used in one of the most popular Firefox add-ons: ForecastFox. If you are unfamiliar with AccuWeather you can visit http://www.accuweather.com/

AccuWeather.com's people have been very friendly and nice to work with and have setup an XML weather service for uPortal to use in the weather portlet. An example: http://uport.accu-weather.com/widget/uport/weather-data.asp?location=16803&metric=1 <http://uport.accu-weather.com/widget/uport/weather-data.asp?location=16803&metric=1>

Use of their service in the weather portlet would require an AccuWeather logo and a link back to their site. The feed would be available without permission for all non-commercial users assuming they retain the logo and link back. They would like any commercial users to contact AccuWeather for permission to use the data. They said that commercial users are generally not a concern unless they are a large commercial user that could cause an overload to their servers.

AccuWeather has /extensive/ international coverage of weather as well as /extensive /weather data and they seem to be very willing to work with us.

I would really like to use AccuWeather's service but I'm not sure the commercial aspects would be acceptable to have this portlet included in UP3 hence the reason for this post.

What does everyone else think?
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