Trunk is NOT stable for doing portlet development on. If you'd like to help test new features you are more than welcome, as you run into issues report them here with a full stack trace and then we can see if we need a Jira issue to track it or not.

With all the recent changes I'd recommend doing a completely clean checkout today and try that source code. Once we get a few more known issues worked out with the JSR-286 support we'll cut a milestone release that will be good for people to try out JSR-286 support in uPortal.


On 7/26/10 5:12 PM, Vangel V. Ajanovski wrote:
  I'm trying to setup a test portal instance from the trunk, but with
some trouble. When I succeeded few days ago I got lot of links saying
that it is not a portlet. I guess this is to be expected since those
were channels, and I tried to clean the layout and start from scratch
but customization does not work even as an admin - click on "add tab"
does nothing etc. I setup database fragments and cleaned up everything
from dlm.xml and now I can't even start because some NPE.

Is this to be expected from trunk code in the next period due to
reorganization or whan I experience is due to bugs?

On 07/26/2010 06:52 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
Yesterday marked the start of the removal of IChannel code from
uPortal. I removed IChannel and all obviously related code which
dropped ~ 93,000 lines from the uPortal code base according to Fisheye :)

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