Back again,

I'll try to keep it down to three or four times a day, max <g>

Screen artifacts on my laptop (a Pismo - Apple) have been quite a problem lately. Fields and buttons often pile up on top of each other, in the vertical dimension. It doesn't seem to happen on my desktop machine with a much bigger screen. Otherwise, everything seems to be working very well.

This occurs with stacks too tall to fit on the laptop screen, only 14 inch. I deal with this by using scalable stacks and scrolling groups. I have to use 800 X 600 screen resolution. With higher resolution, the small text is just too tiny.

The easiest way to force a redraw that I've found so far is go go to another card and return. This is somewhat inconvenient, because it is necessary rather often. I've been wondering about a more convenient way to force a re-draw. I guess I could install a "redraw" button in the group. Maybe "set lockscreen to true, go next, go prev, set lockscreen to false..."

Is there an obviously better method?

If the text-entry cursor is in a field, it would be nice to find it in the same place after the redraw. That's probably possible...

I've wondered if there is a reasonable way to get the window to redraw itself periodically, maybe once every few seconds, without changing the position of the text entry cursor, or interfering too much with text entry.

On scrollbarDrag is another possibility. (That way, I might not need to worry about the location of the text entry cursor.) That makes some sense because using the scrollbar seems to cause the artifacts. But the scrollbarDrag message gets sent many times when you move the scrollbar, even a little bit, so it probably isn't a good idea.

The other option is to just "keep it simple, stupid" I.e., manually navigate to next card and back again, whenever I need a redraw. These stacks do have navigation buttons.

What do you recommend?

Thanks in advance,

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