Tips to get running geronimo-server:

1.  First of all you can make a file with execution privileges at
<geronimo-base-path>/bin called  there you can define some
important system values.  As an example (running on linux and JDK 1.7):

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_80
export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_80/jre

#assuming you have installed geronimo at /opt/geronimo-3.0
export BASEDIR=/opt/geronimo-3.0
#here you can customize some memory aspects of JVM.
export GERONIMO_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
-Djava.awt.headless=true "

# END OF FILE... (don't try with Java 8)

Then you can start geronimo by doing:
./geronimo start

to stop geronimo server (the default user and password - I recommend you
to change it):
./geronimo stop -u system -p manager

If you want to run it as a service, must run the script:

This will create a link with all necesary to run geronimo as a service.

Geronimo is not dead, but is in a standby by now.   I see a lot of
future for it, but for sure needs changes to adapt to this new wave with
cloud and all those new technologies coming now, let's see what happens
next months.

On 02/02/2017 05:06 AM, Peter Nabbefeld wrote:
> Hello,
> with the latest release being 3.0.1 from June 2013 and Wiki still
> saying version 2.2 is still under development:
> Is Geronimo still actively maintained?
> Just a question ...
> If yes, where can I find the docs about starting/stopping/etc. it
> programmatically?
> Kind regards
> P.

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