Hi Gary,

Nice GUI. I assume its from another app? It would be so wonderful if GUIs like this were available in RS - a kind of dummies front end. BUT with access to the VSL meat and veg underneath for those who are more advanced - mathematically. I seem to remember having a discussion like this on the list a while back. The VSL Guru's could do this I think - alot of it has to do with the Wording and descriptions of sliders and / or input boxes used in the non advanced mode of the VSL Shader property window. When people design these shaders they need to think about the rest of us non mathematical non techie type people.

OR heres another thought - that a simple app/plugin is created which allows people to design a shader in a more WYSIWYG fashion, putting together said shader with understandable nontechnical components while this app handles the complexities underneath. A similar idea to WYSIWYG Web Page design apps that keep the user away from HTML. This would open up the whole RS shader design thing to the masses. It would allow imagination instead of mathematical prowess to be the thing that creates shaders.

From my past use of TRUESPACE - this kind of app was available on that platform - DARKTREE SIMBIONTS I think it was / is.


Along with ShaderLab and Shadermagic - I think.

I understand the gist of your mail with respect to a landscape shader GUI but I have broadened the topic a bit, hope thats ok Gary :)


At 06:20 04/11/2005, you wrote:
OK :

  Here is a typical example of how one might construct
a very nice GUI user interface that did a nice job of
hiding the boolean logic math that is going on behind
the scenes .

   Boolean Logic ?

if A is less than X ...                   then R .
if A is less than X but greater than Y    then G .
if A is less than X and also less than Y, then B .
if A is greater than x but less than Z ...

  Well , you get the idea .

   However , VSL does not seem to be all that Boolean-
friendly , from what I can gather . It does not seem to
like simple algorithmic formulas , either , from what I
can see although algorithmics are _somehow_ "do-able" .

   Aaa-anyway , as we can see , if VSL will allow a simple
"if this slope/height" ..."then this texture/color/density"
suddenly we can envision a gui interface that allows for
user input regarding what color or what .png image will
be used for certain trees , and exactly how certain areas
will have it's bare rock displacement mapped .

   We could also use an animation of a tree , instead of an
image of a tree (or plant) , obviously , and since Realsoft
is also a dynamic animation package , we could also program
in all sorts of bizzare particle/object/mesh behaviours ,
simply according to polygons relative position or qualities .

  So once again there emerges an opportunity to mention how,
that , with Realsoft ... anything is possible !

   Attack a mesh with VSL !!!!

Garry Curtis

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