Hi Aidan,

> With reference to all of Garys quotes above - by and large I 
> have to agree with them. The RS Manual - while yes it does a bit of its
> - there are many holes and - too short - explanations. ALOT OF ASSUMPTION 
> and alot of OMISSIONS. I would go so far as to say - at some point - a 
> rethink of its content with the new user and not so new user in mind
should be a 
> consideration. Maybe VESA nominates / asks some of the newer 
> users to go through a chapter each and come back with a list of - WHAT 
> WAS THAT, HUH, #&^%$£!

I am voluteering to help anyone with this job.
I learned very much about Realsoft3D while proofreading the manual :D


PS: I should visit IRC more often ;)

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