Scale should generally be set to real world units. As RS has not locked down what a "Unit" should be - some people use this as feet, some cm, but as a general rule one should set it to metres. ie 1 unit = 1m.

If importing scenes, scale the scene accordingly. As RS effectively uses 1 unit = 1 metre. (Displacements / Nurb wire widths etc.)

Its just a matter of acclimatising yourself with the decimal points - I set to 3 decimals as this then goes down to mm. eg:

1m = 1.0
100mm = 0.1
10mm = 0.01
1mm = 0.001

Occasionally you may get clipping plane problems on enourmous sites (I've only had a few that were several km wide).

If your object is clipped in ortho views - simply drag and drop the object into the view window to set clipping planes accordingly.



I use full size in architectural work. This is so I can consistently import work in from cad programs. If it is a humongous site, I will use units=feet rather than inches to reduce precision error. To go from ortho to perspective, I just select a big object and zoom to object. As Vesa has mentioned, it is important to set your viewport/clipping/ near and far to a range that is not much bigger than it needs to be.

Chris Mungenast

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