> In Outlook 2002  select the menu and type in: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Set it to "move it to deleted items folder".
> Click next and activate "Turn on this rule"
> Click finish.
> Karl

Hi Karl , so good to hear from you again ! :

   Thanks Karl . Much less frustrating than your usual
" well , I don't have Realsoft3D running right now as
I am at work , but if you take the vebelfester and V-
notch it starting at the cornfesting cranknob you will
perhaps get a solemn nitquacker's aromatic " .

 I have of course expressed my constant frustrations
to people like you and David Coombes , about you al-
ways "shooting VSL from the hip" while you are at
work . It serves no purpose what-so-ever but only
causes deep head scratching & high blood pressures.

  Your above advice runs perfectly (so refreshing)
however ! Thank you so much for a detailed working
methodology . I knew you had it in you . (even if
it is not VSL related in any way at all)

... and of course thanks for your RS noise shader .
http://tinyurl.com/zx67o If only you would find the
time to ship a few more of those rare gems (and
create a permanent link to them ...somewhere) .   

my web situation is currently in deep flux

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