> The bad distortions on the SDS can be solved by
> simply refining the top and bottom of the SDS a little bit....
> It's an everyday problem, how to get good UVs.
> No character  with painted textures without having good UVs :-?
> Matthias

Must be some kind of major communication breakdown (again?) .

  The whole gist of this thread was this :

The UV-Image Tool allows for very quick baking when
using Analytic Objects (as per the Manual's example)

However , when using SDS Objects , the UV-Image tool
APPEARS to function the same way the manual shows (for
Analytic) and APPEARS to bake maps , but is indeed ,
very , very , very broken .

  You supplied a project , and what you were actually
trying to show , I have no idea , but it was not re-
lated to this thread , except perhaps as some kind of
a workaround .

  You could create a hundred projects showing how it can
be done and it would not matter to me , since I was only
trying to show that it can't be done the same way that
the manual says it should be done (kill me) .

VSL , or a 2 stage method , or Map2Object , or UV-Image
Tool (but a different use) ... it doesn't matter . I am
only trying to point out obvious flaws so that they can
be fixed in V9 or one of the next hundred service packs .

  You seem to be trying to show that it can be done , so
good for you , but please just point to the part of the
Manual where it shows what you are trying to do  ...   

 Correct ! Now you get what I'm trying to say . That , tiny,
tiny , tiny little part of the manual (that talks about this
feature) is missing some (?!?!?!?!) vital information ...

... concerning SDS and baking illumination !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why oh why Why oh why Why oh why Why oh why Why oh why Why oh why

(am I constantly repeating myself)

over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over
& over & over & over & over & over ????????????????

Seriously , it's broken ! (ya , the record too) Either fix the
S/W or fix the Manual . That's my point , again , as plainly
as I can make it , for the last time - period ! [next stop MAYA]

  The workaround method is ...

Ah , forget it . It's 4:00 AM and I'm officially , out !

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