>   However , I think UV-Image & Analytic Objects work fine .
> studio

Scratch that . Broken too .


>   Well , I thought Nurbs baking would be better suited and
> easier to deal with , but it is an absolute Haunted House .
>  Everything is broken , and I mean everything . Oddly enough
> with SDS , Nurbs & Analytics , the maps that V6 creates are
> extremely beautiful , and I mean absolutely freakin' perfect !
>   You can view them in the Materials Tab , by clicking on the
> 'Advanced' box , and then selecting the actual texture VSL 
> line , and then click the 'Show' box (or just view them in the
> folder that you directed the Uv-Image Tool to save the .bmp's
> for that created map) .
>   They really are sampled perfectly , and for simple Realtime
> OpenGL use they are more than adequate . Look to be quite good
> enough for Raytracing too , especially if they save you a ton
> of time .
>   Too bad , and with the new RSViewer in V6 , it would be nice
> if this UV-Image Tool was a simple no-brainer to use (like in
> the example in the Manual) .

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