> Garry,
> I had no problems with v6.1.3 on XP pro on multiple machines.  I can't check
again now because I using beta 6.1.11, but I have been working all week doing a
1000 frame animation for work with a heavy scene load, and have not had a single
problem with RS.

> I'm sure you have tried re installation, but it is likely a conflict with
another application.  I sometimes have strange RS performance if 3dsmax and
inventor are running at the same time in the background (inventor -max-RS is my
pipeline to get work data into RS).

Brandon :

  I think it must be fixed in later versions of the betas . On my
6.01.03 these are broke on the default 'View Control Window':

1) The 'Camera Group' is broken .
2) The ability to 'Show Groups' is broken .
3) The ability to 'turn-on' & then 'turn-off' labels is broken .
4) The Draw 'Wireframe Icon' is missing .
5) The 'Interactor Group' is missing .
6) The 'Target Group' is missing .

> Vista is NOT the answer - don't waste your time, money, and a bottle of
aspirin on vista (no offense to anyone running it, but until a VERY solid  sp2
arrives for vista, it just isn't happening for the engineering community).
> Good luck,
> brandon

> PS
> I am still waiting for the new quads before I build a new home system.
Luckily at work I just got a dual proc quad xeon to work (play) with. =)

Wow , did you try running the RS bench on it yet ?


> >Well , maybe it's just me :
> >
> >  The 'View Window Icons' at the top-left of the attached
> >image do not work on my version of V6.01.03 .
> >
> >  Perhaps they work on everyone else's , or on the V6 demo
> >but I cannot get them to do anything on my newly installed
> >RSV6 install .
> >
> >  For the past week I have been trying to do something ...
> >anything ... constructive with this 3D program ... is it
> >even possible ?
> >
> >I'm on XP-Pro . Do I need to go 'Vista' to get there ?
> >
> >thanks in advance
> >studio

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