Just to be clear- it's the Icons circled in red that don't work
at all . Also , the (missing) :

1) 'Define New Aimpoint' Icon takes 2 attempts (first is wrong)
2) 'Zoom' Icon also takes 2 attempts to get it to work properly .

Anyway , The Default 'View Control Window' is broken in 6.01.03
but we can delete it and simply add another one from the list
of 'Available Objects' .

OK , fine , this new one is not quite _as_ buggy , but now I
have lost the ability to drag&drop other 'Available Tools' to
this newly docked 'View Control Window' .

How do I make this new window accept drag&drop ?

Does anyone know of any tutorials or information on exactly
how we should use & can use all the various 'Available Object
Windows & 'Client Windows' etc etc ?


<<attachment: icons.gif>>

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