This is a very beautiful tutorial . It almost looks like
'Flash' , the way it loads . What S/W did you use to build
it ? (i'm still using notepad) .

Typo3 (an open source CMS
Borders of the thumbs are generated on the serverside
via typo3+graphicsmagick+mask.
Popup Effect is a extension, which integrates Lightbox
in Typo3. I have to layout it, that it fits to the rest of the
website, but not enough time .....


Cool . Thanks for the links . I'll have to check them out .

 Since you are too busy lately to know if it is light
outside or dark , here's a link to another really awesome
freeware desktop (system tray actually) utility .

 Highly configurable with many options , Weather Watcher
is voted a top notch spyware free , freeware utility that
can tell you everything from humidity to moon phase .

Now when you feel your fangs growing and your claws scratching ,
you can just check your system tray to see if the moon is full .

 He has other cool S/W too , like a utility that will launch
your website automatically from the CD you burn it too .(hope
that makes sense) . Imagine an RS tutorial CD that launches
automatically and shows a brief intro of snapshots of all
the various tutorials included ?

 Windows-only , from what I can see .


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