Hi Garry,
The Obj. Exporter is not broken. But you must set UV coords to "per face uv
I don't understand why this is not the default setting though....

Hi Arjo :

I did ! I followed the example in this (very nice!) Flash Video .


Just look at the .gif attached to previous mail and you will
see how RS does not have the proper VSL shader coding . I
circled the missing part in red .

Maybe the .OBJ Importer is the culprit ? The Exporter does
create a folder 'root/textures' , but the texture residing in
that folder does not get applied via VSL when imported .

Import the .OBJ I attached and you will see what I mean .

Seriously , something is broken there , I think . Perhaps
Vesa used the much-sought-after V6 Demo for his tutorial ?


Bernie :

  Is the .OBJ Import/Export broken for SDS Objects with Per Face
textures ? (for instance , created by UV-Image)

  I tried the same settings Vesa uses in his tree-export Flash tutorial
, but with a simple object it will import geometry , but no texture
file included . (see .GIF)

Here's the original simple SDS Sphere (50KB link below) ,

Attached are the Exported .OBJ object/texture after the SDS object has
been Face-Mapped via UV-Image .

Not even a shred of info in the Manual about how-to import/export
_Anything . No info about the .OBJ loader .

  Seems odd to me that Vesa would create a tutorial about exporting SDS
Face-Mapped trees , when the .OBJ Loader or Exporter is broken .

  Maybe I'm doing something wrong ?

Also , the imported .OBJ will not show up in the UV Editor .

Thanks In Advance


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