Can you store the corrections in a separate CF? 

When the client reads the key, reads from the original the corrects CF at the 
same time. Apply the correction only on the client side. 

When you have confirmed the ingest has completed, run a background jobs to 
apply the corrections, store the updated values and delete the correction data.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 8/05/2012, at 9:35 PM, Franc Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there is a common 'pattern' to address a scenario we will 
> have to deal with.
> We will be storing a set of Column/Value pairs per Key where the 
> Column/Values are read from a set of files that we download regularly. We 
> need the loading to be resilient and we can receive corrections for some of 
> the Column/Values that can only be loaded after the initial data has been 
> inserted.
> The challenge we have is that we have a strong preference for active/active 
> loading of data and can't see how to achieve this without some form of 
> serialisation (which Cassandra doesn't support - correct ?)
> thanks
> -- 
> Franc Carter | Systems architect | Sirca Ltd
> |
> Tel: +61 2 9236 9118 
> Level 9, 80 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000
> PO Box H58, Australia Square, Sydney NSW 1215

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