On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Rene Kochen <rene.koc...@schange.com> wrote:
> If I use node-tool drain, it does stop accepting writes and flushes the
> tables. However, is it normal that the commit log files are not deleted and
> that it gets replayed?

It's not expected by design, but it does seem to be normal in
cassandra 1.0.x. I've spoken with other operators and they anecdotally
report the same behavior when doing the same operation you describe.


The more people who report that they have the issue, the greater
chance of a response or fix, so I suggest commenting "me too!" on that
ticket.. :)


=Robert Coli
AIM&GTALK - rc...@palominodb.com
YAHOO - rcoli.palominob
SKYPE - rcoli_palominodb

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