What I saw in all cases was
a) set JAVA_HOME to java7, run program fail
b) set JAVA_HOME to java6, run program success

I should have better notes but I'm at a 6 person startup so working tools
gets used and failing tools get deleted.


On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Bryan Talbot <btal...@aeriagames.com>wrote:

> Brian, did any of your issues with java 7 result in corrupting data in
> cassandra?
> We just ran into an issue after upgrading a test cluster from Cassandra
> 1.1.5 and Oracle JDK 1.6.0_29-b11 to Cassandra 1.1.7 and 7u10.
> What we saw is values in columns with validation
> Class=org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LongType that were proper integers
> becoming corrupted so that they become stored as strings.  I don't have
> a reproducible test case yet but will work on making one over the holiday
> if I can.
> For example, a column with a long type that was originally written and
> stored properly (say with value 1200) was somehow changed during cassandra
> operations (compaction seems the only possibility) to be the value '1200'
> with quotes.
> The data was written using the phpcassa library and that application and
> library haven't been changed.  This has only happened on our test cluster
> which was upgraded and hasn't happened on our live cluster which was not
> upgraded.  Many of our column families were affected and all affected
> columns are Long (or bigint for cql3).
> Errors when reading using CQL3 command client look like this:
> Failed to decode value '1356441225' (for column 'expires') as bigint:
> unpack requires a string argument of length 8
> and when reading with cassandra-cli the error is
> [default@cf] get
> token['fbc1e9f7cc2c0c2fa186138ed28e5f691613409c0bcff648c651ab1f79f9600b'];
> => (column=client_id, value=8ec4c29de726ad4db3f89a44cb07909c04f90932d,
> timestamp=1355836425784329, ttl=648000)
> A long is exactly 8 bytes: 10
> -Bryan
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Brian Tarbox <tar...@cabotresearch.com>wrote:
>> I was using jre-7u9-linux-x64  which was the latest at the time.
>> I'll confess that I did not file any bugs...at the time the advice from
>> both the Cassandra and Zookeeper lists was to stay away from Java 7 (and my
>> boss had had enough of my reporting that "*the problem was Java 7"* for
>> me to spend a lot more time getting the details).
>> Brian
>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 4:54 AM, Sylvain Lebresne 
>> <sylv...@datastax.com>wrote:
>>> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Michael Kjellman <
>>> mkjell...@barracuda.com> wrote:
>>>> What "issues" have you ran into? Actually curious because we push
>>>> 1.1.5-7 really hard and have no issues whatsoever.
>>> A related question is "which which version of java 7 did you try"? The
>>> first releases of java 7 were apparently famous for having many issues but
>>> it seems the more recent updates are much more stable.
>>> --
>>> Sylvain
>>>> On Dec 15, 2012, at 7:51 AM, "Brian Tarbox" <tar...@cabotresearch.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> We've reverted all machines back to Java 6 after running into numerous
>>>> Java 7 issues...some running Cassandra, some running Zookeeper, others just
>>>> general problems.  I don't recall any other major language release being
>>>> such a mess.
>>>> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Bill de hÓra <b...@dehora.net> wrote:
>>>>> "At least that would be one way of defining "officially supported".
>>>>> Not quite, because, Datastax is not Apache Cassandra.
>>>>> "the only issue related to Java 7 that I know of is CASSANDRA-4958,
>>>>> but that's osx specific (I wouldn't advise using osx in production anyway)
>>>>> and it's not directly related to Cassandra anyway so you can easily use 
>>>>> the
>>>>> beta version of snappy-java as a workaround if you want to. So that non
>>>>> blocking issue aside, and as far as we know, Cassandra supports Java 7. Is
>>>>> it rock-solid in production? Well, only repeated use in production can
>>>>> tell, and that's not really in the hand of the project."
>>>>> Exactly right. If enough people use Cassandra on Java7 and enough
>>>>> people file bugs about Java 7 and enough people work on bugs for Java 7
>>>>> then Cassandra will eventually work well enough on Java7.
>>>>> Bill
>>>>> On 14 Dec 2012, at 19:43, Drew Kutcharian <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
>>>>> > In addition, the DataStax official documentation states: "Versions
>>>>> earlier than 1.6.0_19 should not be used. Java 7 is not recommended."
>>>>> >
>>>>> > http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.1/install/install_rpm
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Dec 14, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Aaron Turner <synfina...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> Does Datastax (or any other company) support Cassandra under Java 7?
>>>>> >> Or will they tell you to downgrade when you have some problem,
>>>>> because
>>>>> >> they don't support C* running on 7?
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> At least that would be one way of defining "officially supported".
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:22 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <
>>>>> sylv...@datastax.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>> What kind of official statement do you want? As far as I can be
>>>>> considered
>>>>> >>> an official voice of the project, my statement is: "various people
>>>>> run in
>>>>> >>> production with Java 7 and it seems to work".
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Or to answer the initial question, the only issue related to Java
>>>>> 7 that I
>>>>> >>> know of is CASSANDRA-4958, but that's osx specific (I wouldn't
>>>>> advise using
>>>>> >>> osx in production anyway) and it's not directly related to
>>>>> Cassandra anyway
>>>>> >>> so you can easily use the beta version of snappy-java as a
>>>>> workaround if you
>>>>> >>> want to. So that non blocking issue aside, and as far as we know,
>>>>> Cassandra
>>>>> >>> supports Java 7. Is it rock-solid in production? Well, only
>>>>> repeated use in
>>>>> >>> production can tell, and that's not really in the hand of the
>>>>> project. We do
>>>>> >>> obviously encourage people to try Java 7 as much as possible and
>>>>> report any
>>>>> >>> problem they may run into, but I would have though this goes
>>>>> without saying.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 4:05 AM, Rob Coli <rc...@palominodb.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Drew Kutcharian <
>>>>> d...@venarc.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>> With Java 6 begin EOL-ed soon
>>>>> >>>>> (https://blogs.oracle.com/java/entry/end_of_public_updates_for),
>>>>> what's the
>>>>> >>>>> status of Cassandra's Java 7 support? Anyone using it in
>>>>> production? Any
>>>>> >>>>> outstanding *known* issues?
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> I'd love to see an official statement from the project, due to the
>>>>> >>>> sort of EOL issues you're referring to. Unfortunately previous
>>>>> >>>> requests on this list for such a statement have gone unanswered.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> The non-official response is that various people run in production
>>>>> >>>> with Java 7 and it seems to work. :)
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> =Rob
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> --
>>>>> >>>> =Robert Coli
>>>>> >>>> AIM&GTALK - rc...@palominodb.com
>>>>> >>>> YAHOO - rcoli.palominob
>>>>> >>>> SKYPE - rcoli_palominodb
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> --
>>>>> >> Aaron Turner
>>>>> >> http://synfin.net/         Twitter: @synfinatic
>>>>> >> http://tcpreplay.synfin.net/ - Pcap editing and replay tools for
>>>>> Unix & Windows
>>>>> >> Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
>>>>> temporary
>>>>> >> Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
>>>>> >>   -- Benjamin Franklin
>>>>> >> "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"
>>>>> >
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