We were using SimpleAuthenticator on 1.1.x, it worked fine.

While testing 1.2, I have put classes under example/simple_authentication
in a jar and copy to lib directory, the class is loaded. however, when I
try to connect with correct user/password, it gives me error

./cqlsh s2.dsat103-e1a -u xxxx -p yyyy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./cqlsh", line 2262, in <module>
    main(*read_options(sys.argv[1:], os.environ))
  File "./cqlsh", line 2248, in main
  File "./cqlsh", line 483, in __init__
    cql_version=cqlver, transport=transport)
  File "./../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/connection.py",
line 143, in connect
  File "./../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/connection.py",
line 59, in __init__
  File "./../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/thrifteries.py",
line 157, in establish_connection
line 455, in login
line 476, in recv_login
AuthenticationException(why="User xxxx doesn't exist - create it with
CREATE USER query first")

What does "create it with CREATE USER query first" mean?

I put debug information in SimpleAuthenticator class, that showed
authentication is passed in the authenticate() method.



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