Thanks for the answers.

I got it. I was using cleanup, because I thought it would delete the
But, that is still awkward. Does cleanup take so much disk space to
complete the compaction operation? In other words, twice the size?

*Víctor Hugo Molinar - *@vhmolinar <!/vhmolinar>

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Takenori Sato(Cloudian) <
> wrote:

>  Hi Victor,
> As Andrey said, running cleanup doesn't work as you expect.
> > The reason I need to clean things is that I wont need most of my
> inserted data on the next day.
> Deleted objects(columns/records) become deletable from sstable file when
> they get expired(after gc_grace_seconds).
> Such deletable objects are actually gotten rid of by compaction.
> The tricky part is that a deletable object remains unless all of its old
> objects(the same row key) are contained in the set of sstable files
> involved in the compaction.
> - Takenori
> (2013/05/29 3:01), Andrey Ilinykh wrote:
> cleanup removes data which doesn't belong to the current node. You have to
> run it only if you move (or add new) nodes. In your case there is no any
> reason to do it.
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Víctor Hugo Oliveira Molinar <
>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> I have a daily maintenance task at c* which does:
>> -truncate cfs
>> -clearsnapshots
>> -repair
>> -cleanup
>> The reason I need to clean things is that I wont need most of my inserted
>> data on the next day. It's kind a business requirement.
>> Well,  the problem I'm running to, is the misunderstanding about cleanup
>> operation.
>> I have 2 nodes with lower than half usage of disk, which is moreless 13GB;
>> But, the last few days, arbitrarily each node have reported me a cleanup
>> error indicating that the disk was full. Which is not true.
>> *Error occured during cleanup*
>> *java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: disk full*
>>  So I'd like to know more about what does happens in a cleanup operation.
>> Appreciate any help.

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