> But, that is still awkward. Does cleanup take so much disk space to
complete the compaction operation? In other words, twice the size?

Not really, but logically yes.

According to 1.0.7 source, cleanup checks if there's enough space that is
larger than the worst scenario as below. If not, the exception you got is

     * Add up all the files sizes this is the worst case file
     * size for compaction of all the list of files given.
    public long getExpectedCompactedFileSize(Iterable<SSTableReader>
        long expectedFileSize = 0;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
            long size = sstable.onDiskLength();
            expectedFileSize = expectedFileSize + size;
        return expectedFileSize;

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:43 PM, Víctor Hugo Oliveira Molinar <
vhmoli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the answers.
> I got it. I was using cleanup, because I thought it would delete the
> tombstones.
> But, that is still awkward. Does cleanup take so much disk space to
> complete the compaction operation? In other words, twice the size?
> *Atenciosamente,*
> *Víctor Hugo Molinar - *@vhmolinar <http://twitter.com/#!/vhmolinar>
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Takenori Sato(Cloudian) <
> ts...@cloudian.com> wrote:
>>  Hi Victor,
>> As Andrey said, running cleanup doesn't work as you expect.
>> > The reason I need to clean things is that I wont need most of my
>> inserted data on the next day.
>> Deleted objects(columns/records) become deletable from sstable file when
>> they get expired(after gc_grace_seconds).
>> Such deletable objects are actually gotten rid of by compaction.
>> The tricky part is that a deletable object remains unless all of its old
>> objects(the same row key) are contained in the set of sstable files
>> involved in the compaction.
>> - Takenori
>> (2013/05/29 3:01), Andrey Ilinykh wrote:
>> cleanup removes data which doesn't belong to the current node. You have
>> to run it only if you move (or add new) nodes. In your case there is no any
>> reason to do it.
>> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Víctor Hugo Oliveira Molinar <
>> vhmoli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> I have a daily maintenance task at c* which does:
>>> -truncate cfs
>>> -clearsnapshots
>>> -repair
>>> -cleanup
>>> The reason I need to clean things is that I wont need most of my
>>> inserted data on the next day. It's kind a business requirement.
>>> Well,  the problem I'm running to, is the misunderstanding about cleanup
>>> operation.
>>> I have 2 nodes with lower than half usage of disk, which is moreless
>>> 13GB;
>>> But, the last few days, arbitrarily each node have reported me a cleanup
>>> error indicating that the disk was full. Which is not true.
>>> *Error occured during cleanup*
>>> *java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: disk full
>>> *
>>>  So I'd like to know more about what does happens in a cleanup
>>> operation.
>>> Appreciate any help.

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