When you write at one, as soon as one node acknowledges the write the ack
is returned to the client. This means if you quickly read from aome other
1)you may get the result because by the time the read is processed the data
may be on that node
2)the node you read from may proxy the request to the node woth the data or
3)you may get a column not found because the read might hit a node where
the data does not exist yet.

Generally even at level one the replication is fast. I have done an
experiment on what you are asking. Write.one read from another as soon as
client gets  an ack. Most of the time the data is replicated by the time
the second requeat is received. However "most of the time" is not a
guarentee. If the nodes are geographically separate who is to say if the
firat request and the second route around the internet a different way and
the second action arrives on a node before the first. That is eventual
consistency for you.

On Friday, February 21, 2014, graham sanderson <gra...@vast.com> wrote:
> My bad; should have checked the code:
>     /**
>      * This function executes local and remote reads, and blocks for the
>      *
>      * 1. Get the replica locations, sorted by response time according to
the snitch
>      * 2. Send a data request to the closest replica, and digest requests
to either
>      *    a) all the replicas, if read repair is enabled
>      *    b) the closest R-1 replicas, where R is the number required to
satisfy the ConsistencyLevel
>      * 3. Wait for a response from R replicas
>      * 4. If the digests (if any) match the data return the data
>      * 5. else carry out read repair by getting data from all the nodes.
>      */
> On Feb 21, 2014, at 3:10 AM, Duncan Sands <duncan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Graham,
>> On 21/02/14 07:54, graham sanderson wrote:
>>> Note also; that reading at ONE there will be no read repair, since the
coordinator does not know that another replica has stale data (remember at
ONE, basically only one node is asked for the answer).
>> I don't think this is right.  My understanding is that while only one
node will be sent a direct read request, all other replicas will (not on
every query - it depends on the value of read_repair_chance) get a
background read repair request.  You can test this experimentally using
cqlsh and turning tracing on: issue a read request many times.  Most of the
time you will see that the coordinator sends a message to one node, but
from time to time (depending on read_repair_chance) you will see it sending
messages to many nodes.
>> Best wishes, Duncan.
>>> In practice for our use cases, we always write at LOCAL_QUORUM (failing
the whole update if that doesn't work - stale data is OK if >1 node is
down), and we read at LOCAL_QUORUM, but (because stale data is better than
no data), we will fall back per read request to LOCAL_ONE if we detect that
there were insufficient nodes - this lets us cope with 2 down nodes in a 3
replica environment (or more if the nodes are not consecutive in the ring).
>>> On Feb 20, 2014, at 11:21 PM, Drew Kutcharian <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> I wanted to get some clarification on what happens when you write and
read at consistency level 1. Say I have a keyspace with replication factor
of 3 and a table which will contain write-once/read-only wide rows. If I
write at consistency level 1 and the write happens on node A and I read
back at consistency level 1 from another node other than A, say B, will C*
return "not found" or will it trigger a read-repair before responding? In
addition, what's the best consistency level for reading/writing
write-once/read-only wide rows?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Drew

Sorry this was sent from mobile. Will do less grammar and spell check than

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