nodetool cfstats shows 9GB. We are storing simple primitive value. No blobs or 


From: DuyHai Doan []
Sent: Friday, January 9, 2015 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: C* throws OOM error despite use of automatic paging

What is the data size of the column family you're trying to fetch with paging ? 
Are you storing big blob or just primitive values ?

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 8:33 AM, Mohammed Guller 
<<>> wrote:
Hi –

We have an ETL application that reads all rows from Cassandra (2.1.2), filters 
them and stores a small subset in an RDBMS. Our application is using Datastax’s 
Java driver (2.1.4) to fetch data from the C* nodes. Since the Java driver 
supports automatic paging, I was under the impression that SELECT queries 
should not cause an OOM error on the C* nodes. However, even with just 16GB 
data on each nodes, the C* nodes start throwing OOM error as soon as the 
application starts iterating through the rows of a table.

The application code looks something like this:

Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement("SELECT x,y,z FROM cf").setFetchSize(5000);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(stmt);
while (!rs.isExhausted()){
      row =

Even after we reduced the page size to 1000, the C* nodes still crash. C* is 
running on M3.xlarge machines (4-cores, 15GB). We manually increased the heap 
size to 8GB just to see how much heap C* consumes. With 10-15 minutes, the heap 
usage climbs up to 7.6GB. That does not make sense. Either automatic paging is 
not working or we are missing something.

Does anybody have insights as to what could be happening? Thanks.


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