That’s what I found out that the clocks were not in sync.

But I have setup NTP on all 3 nodes and would expect the clocks to be in sync.

From: Nate McCall <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 2:50 PM
To: Cassandra Users 
Subject: Re: Column value not getting updated

You would see that if the servers' clocks were out of sync.

Make sure the time on the servers is in sync or set the client timestamps 

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Saurabh Sethi 
<<>> wrote:
I have written a unit test that creates a column family, inserts a row in that 
column family and then updates the value of one of the columns.

After updating, unit test immediately tries to read the updated value for that 
column, but Cassandra returns the old value.

 *   I am using QueryBuilder API and not CQL directly.
 *   I am using the consistency level of QUORUM for everything – insert, update 
and read.
 *   Cassandra is running as a 3 node cluster with replication factor of 3.

Anyone has any idea what is going on here?


Nate McCall
Austin, TX

Co-Founder & Sr. Technical Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

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