On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Anubhav Kale <anubhav.k...@microsoft.com>

> So, can someone educate me on how token aware policies in drivers really
> work ? It appears that it’s quite possible that the data may live on nodes
> that don’t own the tokens for it. By “own” I mean the ownership as defined
> in system.local / peers and is fed back to drivers.

The tokens in system.local/peers are accurate.  Combined with the
replication settings for a keyspace, drivers can accurately determine which
nodes are replicas for a given partition.

Even if the driver's calculation is incorrect for some reason, token-aware
routing is just an optimization.  Nothing will break if a query is sent to
a node that's not a replica.

Tyler Hobbs
DataStax <http://datastax.com/>

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