You could do this with a map instead of a list.

*CREATE TABLE movie (*
* id text,*
* name text,*
* ratings map<text, int>,*
* PRIMARY KEY ( id )*

*UPDATE movie SET ratings['bob'] = 5 WHERE id = 'terminator 3';*

Michael Mior

2016-10-24 18:16 GMT-04:00 Ali Akhtar <>:

> Say I have this UDT:
> *CREATE TYPE rating (*
> * user text,*
> * rating int*
> *);*
> And, I have this table:
> *CREATE TABLE movie (*
> * id text,*
> * name text,*
> * ratings list<FROZEN<rating>>,*
> * PRIMARY KEY ( id )*
> *);*
> Say a user 'bob' rated a movie as a 5. Is it possible to do something like
> this:
> *UPDATE movie set ratings.rating = 5 WHERE ratings.user = 'bob'*
> And have that query either update bob's previous rating if he had already
> rated, or have it insert a new Rating into the ratings w/ user = bob,
> rating = 5?
> If not, can this be achieved with a map instead of a list?
> Thanks.

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