The problem described in this article is different than what you have on
your servers and I’ll add this article should be reaad with caution, as The
Register is known for sensationalism. The article itself has no substantial
proof or enough details. In my opinion this article is clickbait.

Anyway there’s several point to think of instead of just swicthing to
OpenJDK :


   There is technical differences between Oracle JDK and openjdk. Where
   there’s licensing issues some libraries are closed source in Hotspot like
   font, rasterizer or cryptography and OpenJDK use open source alternatives
   which leads to different bugs or performance. I believe they also have
   minor differences in the hotspot code to plug in stuff like Java Mission
   Control or Flight Recorder or hotpost specific options.
   Also I believe that Oracle JDK is more tested or more up to date than

   So while OpenJDK is functionnaly the same as Oracle JDK it may not have
   the same performance or the same bugs or the same security fixes. (Unless
   are your ready to test that with your production servers and your
   production data).

   I don’t know if datastax have released the details of their
   configuration when they test Cassandra.

   There’s also a question of support. OpeJDK is for the community. Oracle
   can offer support but maybe only for Oracle JDK.

   Twitter uses OpenJDK, but they have their own JVM support team. Not sure
   everyone can afford that.

As a side note I’ll add that Oracle is paying talented engineers to work on
the JVM to make it great.


-- Brice

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 6:55 AM, Kant Kodali <> wrote:

> Looking at this
> targets_java_users_non_compliance/?mt=1481919461669 I don't know why
> Cassandra recommends Oracle JVM?
> JVM is a great piece of software but I would like to stay away from Oracle
> as much as possible. Oracle is just horrible the way they are dealing with
> Java in General.

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