Thank you.

How do I identify what other 2 nodes the former downed node replicated with? A 
replica set of 3 nodes A,B,C. Now, C has been terminated by AWS and is gone. 
Using the getendpoints assumes knowing a partition key value, but how do you 
even know what key to use?

If there is a way to identify A and B, I, then, can simply run ‘nodetool 
repair’ to repair ALL the ranges on either.


Thank you

From: kurt greaves
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 6:45 PM
To: User
Subject: Re: When Replacing a Node, How to Force a Consistent Bootstrap

That's also an option but it's better to repair before and after if possible, 
if you don't repair beforehand you could end up missing some replicas until you 
repair after replacement, which could cause queries to return old/no data. 
Alternatively you could use ALL after replacing until the repair completes.

For example, A and C have replica a, A dies, on replace A streams the partition 
owning a from B, and thus is still inconsistent. QUORUM query hits A and B, and 
no results are returned for a.

On 5 December 2017 at 23:04, Fred Habash <> wrote:
Or, do a full repair after bootstrapping completes?

On Dec 5, 2017 4:43 PM, "Jeff Jirsa" <> wrote:
You cant ask cassandra to stream from the node with the "most recent data", 
because for some rows B may be most recent, and for others C may be most recent 
- you'd have to stream from both (which we don't support).

You'll need to repair (and you can repair before you do the replace to avoid 
the window of time where you violate consistency - use the -hosts option to 
allow repair with a down host, you'll repair A+C, so when B starts it'll 
definitely have all of the data).

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Fd Habash <> wrote:
Assume I have cluster of 3 nodes (A,B,C). Row x was written with CL=LQ to node 
A and B. Before it was written to C, node B crashes. I replaced B and it 
bootstrapped data from node C.
Now, row x is missing from C and B.  If node A crashes, it will be replaced and 
it will bootstrap from either C or B. As such, row x is now completely gone 
from the entire ring. 
Is this scenario possible at all (at least in C* < 3.0). 
How can a newly replaced node be forced to bootstrap from the node in the 
replica set that has the most recent data? 
Otherwise, we have to repair a node immediately after bootstrapping it for a 
node replacement.
Thank you

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