Hi Nicolas,
I have seen that ' stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec', but afaik
this limits what each node will provide at a maximum.
What I'm more concerned of is the vast amount of connections to handle and
the concurrent threads of which at least two get started for every single
streaming connection.
I'm a former Java Developer and I know that Threads are expensive even to
just have them sitting around. JVM is doing fine handling some hundreds of
threads, but what about some thousands?

And about the cleanup - we are currently massively scaling out a startup
database. I thought of doing cleanup after that ramp-up phase when scaling
slows down to maybe a node every 3 to 7 days in average.
So for now I want to add 32 Machines at one after one and then care about
the cleanup afterwards one by one.


2018-02-20 13:56 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Guyomar <nicolas.guyo...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Jurgen,
> stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec is the "given total
> throughput in Mbps", so it does limit the "concurrent throughput" IMHO,
> is it not what you are looking for?
> The only limits I can think of are :
> - number of connection between every node and the one boostrapping
> - number of pending compaction (especially if you have lots of
> keyspace/table) that could lead to some JVM problem maybe ?
> Anyway, because while bootstrapping, a node is not accepting reads,
> configuration like compactionthroughput, concurrentcompactor and 
> streamingthroughput
> can be set on the fly using nodetool, so you can quickly ajust them
> Out of curiosity, do you run "nodetool cleanup" in parallel on every nodes
> left after a boostrap, or do you spread the "cleanup load" ? I have not
> seen yet one adding a node every day like this ;) have fun !
> On 20 February 2018 at 13:42, Jürgen Albersdorfer <jalbersdor...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible resp. would it make sense to limit
>> concurrent streaming when joining a new node to cluster.
>> I'm currently operating a 15-Node C* Cluster (V 3.11.1) and joining
>> another Node every day.
>> The 'nodetool netstats' shows it always streams data from all other nodes.
>> How far will this scale? - What happens when I have hundrets or even
>> thousends of Nodes?
>> Has anyone experience with such a Situation?
>> Thanks, and regards
>> Jürgen

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