We parse the output of the following nodetool sub-commands in our custom scripts:

 * status
 * netstats
 * tpstats
 * ring

We don't mind the output format change between major releases as long as all the following are true:

1. major releases are not too frequent
   e.g. no more frequent than once every couple of years
2. the changes are clearly documented in the CHANGES.txt and mentioned
   in the NEWS.txt
   e.g. clearly specify that "someStatistic:" in "nodetool somecommand"
   is renamed to "Some Statistic:"
3. the functionality is not lost
   e.g. remove a value from the output with no obvious alternative
4. it doesn't become a lot harder to parse
   e.g. split a value into multiple values with different units, and
   the new values need to be added up together to get the original one

We have Ansible palybooks, shell scripts, Python scripts, etc. parsing the output, and to my best knowledge, all of them are trivial to rework for minor cosmetic changes like the one given in the example.

Parsing JSON or YAML in vanilla POSIX shell (i.e. without tools such as jq installed) can be much harder, we would rather not to have to deal with that. For Ansible and Python script, it's a nonissue, but given the fact that we are already parsing the default output and it works fine, we are unlikely to change them to use JSON or YAML instead, unless the pain of dealing with breaking changes is too much and too often.

Querying via CQL is harder, and we would rather not to do that for the reasons below:

 * it requires Cassandra credentials, instead the credential-less
   nodetool command on localhost
 * for shell scripts, the cqlsh command output is harder to parse than
   the nodetool command, because its output is a human-friendly table
   with header, dynamic indentations, field separators, etc., which
   makes it a less attractive candidate than the nodetool
 * for Ansible and Python scripts, using the CQL interface will require
   extra modules/libraries. The extra installation steps required make
   the scripts themselves less portable between different
   servers/environment, so we may still prefer the more portable
   nodetool approach where the localhost access is possible

On 10/07/2023 10:35, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
Hi Cassandra users,

I am a Cassandra developer and we in Cassandra project would love to know if 
there are users out there for whom the output of the tooling, like, nodetool, 
is important when it comes to parsing it.

We are elaborating on the consequences when nodetool's output for various 
commands is changed - we are not completely sure if users are parsing this 
output in some manner in their custom scripts so us changing the output would 
break their scripts which are parsing it.

Additionally, how big of a problem the output change would be if it was happening 
only between major Cassandra versions? E.g. 4.0 -> 5.0 or 5.0 -> 6.0 only. In 
other words, there would be a guarantee that no breaking changes in minor versions 
would ever occur. Only in majors.

Is somebody out there who is relying on the output of some particular nodetool commands (or any 
command in tools/bin) in production? How often do you rely on the parsing of nodetool's output and 
how much work it would be for you to rework some minor changes? For example, when the tool output 
prints "someStatistic: 10" and we would rework it to "Some Statistic: 10".

Would you be OK if the output changed but you would have a way how to get e.g. 
JSON or YAML output instead by some flag on nodetool command so it would be 
irrelevant what the default output would be?

It would be appreciated a lot if you gave us more feedback on this. I 
understand that not all questions are relatable to everyone.

Even you are not relying on the output of the tooling in some custom scripts 
where you parse it, please tell us so. We are progressively trying to provide 
CQL way how to query the internal state of Cassandra, via virtual tables, for 


Stefan Miklosovic

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