Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the info!

I created a ticket for the documentation inconsistency. I trust it's suitable.



On 11/23/2016 03:41 PM, Oliver Heger wrote:
Hi Greg,

Am 23.11.2016 um 00:50 schrieb Greg Torrance:
Hi all,

I would like to implement a custom variable interpolator that is
specific to a Configuration object, but that also supports the standard
prefixes (sys, const, env).

What I mean by "specific to a Configuration object" is that the custom
interpolator needs to know the Configuration to which it is associated
in order to produce a valid result for a variable.

Say I want to associate a variable "rootDir" with the custom prefix
"myPrefix". To use this variable I would specify ${myPrefix:rootDir} in
my configuration file. At the code level, though, if I create a
Configuration config1, I want "rootDir" for that Configuration to
evaluate to "/abc/def". But for Configuration config2, "rootDir" should
evaluate to "/ghi/jkl". I assume I will need to have a specific Lookup
instance per Configuration, right?

I have tried to understand how to do this based on this page
but the information seems to be a bit inaccurate based on v2.1. (For
example, it refers to calling the static registerGlobalLookup() method
on ConfigurationInterpolator, but this method does not appear to exist.)
Could you please open a ticket in our bugtracking system [1] when you
notice inconsistencies in the documentation, so that they can be fixed?
Thanks in advance!


Also, I'm not clear if I should be extending StrLookup, or implementing
Lookup. (I was initially using StrLookup, but the
ConfigurationInterpolator registerLookup() method requires a Lookup
StrLookup is from [lang], to avoid a direct dependency, [configuration]
uses its own abstraction. But the Lookup interface is so simple that it
can be easily implemented.

If I do the following, it seems to allow me create a working custom
interpolator. But when I do this, the standard prefixes (sys, const,
env) no longer work:

ConfigurationInterpolator ci = new ConfigurationInterpolator();
ci.registerLookup("myPrefix", new MyLookup()); // implementation of
Lookup interface
You can try the following:
config1.getInterpolator().registerLookup( ... );

This should add the new lookup to the existing ones.


Any thoughts on how to implement this using Commons Configuration best

Thanks in advance,

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