ATM & FWIW, the only push I see is to release new versions of [pool2] and
[dbcp2] out of the current branches.


On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 1/24/2017 5:36 PM, Romero, René wrote:
> > Guys, do you think dbcp-1.4.1 is going to come out soon?
> I'm more familiar with the Lucene/Solr project than Commons, but if I
> had to guess, I would say that you're unlikely to see a new 1.x version
> of dbcp or pool.  The 1.4 version of dbcp was released nearly six years
> ago, the 1.6 version of pool was released five years ago.  They are
> quite old, and if a new version were planned, it is likely that it would
> have already been released.
> Typically when a new major version of an Apache project is released, the
> previous major version goes into maintenance mode, and the major version
> before that goes completely dead.  In maintenance mode, only extremely
> significant bugs with widespread effects are fixed.  After so much time,
> it is unlikely that any bug like this will be found, so the 1.x versions
> have become *effectively* dead, even though that is not technically
> their status.
> While it is possible that Commons works differently than a typical
> Apache project where previous major versions are concerned, I would be a
> little bit surprised if that were the case.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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