Each time I use Forrest to seed a new site,
The site initial fails to build with the following Errors:

Element type "url-prefix" must be declared.
Element type "disable-toc" must be declared.
The content of element type "pdf" must match


Steps to Repoduce:
I AM USING THE LATEST CODE FROM SVN, but I tried it with code from
several months back as well.
Apache Forrest 0.9-dev

1.  cd to a new clean directory.
2.  forrest seed-business
3.  Fill in all the questions or choose the defaults (It doesn't seem to matter)
4.  forrest site
The error occurs on step 4.

Work Around:
Go hand edit the skinconf.xml file to remove the tags that fail validation.
(I am not sure if those elements are expected to be somewhere in a
style sheet...)

| Contact Info
| linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/brycealcock
| Website:  http://brycealcock.com
| Blog: http://quantprinciple.blogspot.com
| twitter: qboiler