On Aug 27, 2007, at 2:47 PM, Paolo Denti wrote:

Hi, i am a brand new geronimo user (or at least i am trying to be)
I am trying to deploy already existing applications (EARs), already working on jboss, without any particular deployment descriptior, on geronimo. I always get NPEs at geronimo startup. below you can find the stacktrace. it happens if i deploy with geronimo running or if i deploy with geronimo stopped and then start geronimo.

environment is
- geronimo 2.0.1 with jetty
- os x 10.4.10
- jdk 1.5.0_07
- JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/ CurrentJDK/Home


Geronimo Application Server started
23:16:07,293 ERROR [Deployer] Deployment failed due to
at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.CopyResourceContext.addFile (CopyResourceContext.java:144) at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.DeploymentContext.addFile (DeploymentContext.java:461) at org.apache.geronimo.web25.deployment.AbstractWebModuleBuilder.installM odule(AbstractWebModuleBuilder.java:288) at org.apache.geronimo.web25.deployment.AbstractWebModuleBuilder$ $FastClassByCGLIB$$8523248f.invoke(<generated>)

Poking around in the code a little bit it looks to me as if the only way this could happen is if there is a WEB-INF/web.xml in the war but it can't be read into a string. Could you check the structure of your war files and make sure the WEB-INF/web.xml are really files and not directories and they can be accessed properly (e.g. by unjarring them and looking at them in an editor, or looking at them in emacs)

david jencks

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