Hi Viktor,

the app looks very interesting, but the  installation curve seems pretty steep.

It would great if you could produce an installer that minimes built-time tools 
and only requires runtime ones.

By the way, can the app be packaged as a stardard java webapp?

An example of how users can configure the app with their steps library would be 
very useful.

I'll provide more feedback as I dig more into it.


> On 15 Sep 2014, at 11:29, Viktor Farcic <vik...@farcic.com> wrote:
> I wrote an OSS application for writing, managing and running JBehave stories. 
> I'd be grateful you someone would give me feedback.
> Information can be found in the 
> http://technologyconversations.com/2014/09/02/bdd-assistant-its-alive-and-cries-for-help/

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