
Answers to your questions:

1) no, there is no mechanism to skip lines in the examples table, except to 
comment them (|-- prefix)

2) simply exclude the path to UserLogin.story from the execution.  It will only 
be looked up via the GivenStories.


> On 9 Oct 2014, at 12:15, kvitaliy <vitaliy.kuli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a problem with understanding of how to use GivenStories.
> Assume, we have story file UserLogin.story with next text:
> Scenario: user login
> Meta: @id1 userLogin
> Given the user click on login button
> When the user type '[login]'
> AND the user type '[password]'
> AND the user click on '[btn]'
> Then something happens
> Examples:
> |login|password|btn|
> |uloginrole1|upass|Login|
> |uloginrole1|upass|Cancel|
> |uloginrole2|upass|Login|
> |uloginrole2|upass|Cancel|
> Also, we have story in another file:
> Scenario: scenario name
> GivenStories: path/to/UserLogin.story
> Given <<given conditions c1,c2,...,cK>>
> When <<user actions with params p1,p2,...,pN>>
> Then <<expectations e1,e2,...,eM>>
> Examples:
> |c1|c2|...|cK|p1|p2|...|pN|e1|e2|...|eM|
> |c11|c21|...|cK1|p11|p21|...|pN1|e11|e21|...|eM1|
> |c12|c22|...|cK2|p12|p22|...|pN2|e12|e22|...|eM2|
> ...............................................
> So, two questions:
> 1. How can I run this scenario only for first row from given story 
> (|uloginrole1|upass|Login|)?
> 2. Is it possible to run UserLogin as precondition only (i mean, i don't want 
> to run it outside scenarios, which depends on it)?
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Vitaliy
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