
I'm hoping to get a better understanding of how jclouds discovers and decides which identity endpoint to use. Feel free to redirect me to docs if this is already written up somewhere.

In my case, we have a community Mitaka installation running and an app that uses jclouds v2.0.0. Initially, nothing identity related was working because Mitaka wasn't configured to respond to V2.0 Identity API requests - only V3, which isn't supported by jclouds yet. I didn't setup/configure this installation of OpenStack, so I'm not sure if that's a common issue or not - I don't know if the V2.0 Identity API is normally turned off in a fresh install or what. It's entirely possible that there's something misconfigured in there causing the behavior I describe below. Anyway, once the V2.0 Identity endpoint was enabled, I turned on tracing and can see that even though I create my context builder explicitly using the V2.0 endpoint URL, jclouds switches over and uses whatever comes back in the 'serviceCatalog' param in the token response. In my case, that happens to point to the V3 Identity endpoint. At that point, jclouds fails to work because it is making V2.0 requests on the V3 endpoints. Here's some tracing showing that in more detail:

FINE: >> 
FINE: >> POST http://mitaka-host.com:5000/v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1
FINE: >> Accept: application/json
FINE: >> Content-Type: application/json
FINE: >> Content-Length: 108

FINE: << HTTP/1.1 200 OK
FINE: << Vary: X-Auth-Token
FINE: << Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:45:54 GMT
FINE: << Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=97
FINE: << Connection: Keep-Alive
FINE: << x-openstack-request-id: req-390cebba-7cec-472c-88f4-8be6f6a0c236
FINE: << Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.7.5
FINE: << Content-Type: application/json
FINE: << Content-Length: 3620
FINE: <<






{ "endpoints":[ { "adminURL":"http://mitaka-host.com:35357/v3";, "region":"uk", "internalURL":"http://mitaka-host.com:5000/v3";, "id":"23ace8e63eab431d81ccf5bfabc1ad53", "publicURL":"http://mitaka-host.com:5000/v3"; } ], "endpoints_links":[ ], "type":"identity", "name":"keystone" } ],


FINE: >> GET http://mitaka-host.com:35357/v3/tenants?name=sometenant HTTP/1.1
FINE: >> Accept: application/json
FINE: >> X-Auth-Token: 

FINE: << HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
FINE: << Vary: X-Auth-Token
FINE: << Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:45:55 GMT
FINE: << Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
FINE: << Connection: Keep-Alive
FINE: << x-openstack-request-id: req-94bea180-8447-485a-8485-bf3f57e8d225
FINE: << Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.7.5
FINE: << Content-Type: application/json
FINE: << Content-Length: 93
FINE: << "{"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": 
"Not Found"}}"

Again, even though I created the jclouds ContextBuilder with the V2.0 endpoint, it looks like jclouds read the identity admin endpoint from the 'serviceCatalog' in the response and then switched to using it, even though it is a V3 endpoint. Is this normal expected behavior for jclouds? I'm guessing it has more to do with how Mitaka is configured, but I don't see how jclouds would be able to talk to newer versions of OpenStack unless they disable the V3 Identity endpoint or configure it in such a way that the V2.0 endpoint is exposed for jclouds to see it. Are there any READMEs on how to use jclouds keystone APIs with newer versions of OpenStack?

In general, it seems like OpenStack is moving more towards a model where API versioning is supposed to be discovered by clients. For example: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/130669/, specifically the patch comment that says "if some one is using third party client, it will break. Only keystone client handles version discovery. Keystone doesn't even document how to handle version discovery, so any third party clients such as jcloud will likely fail"

Is there any update on jclouds adding support for the V3 Identity API?



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