Thanks for the tip, approval finally works now. One problem remains, though: 
When I move a topic, the change is not exported to the live db. Does this 
have to do with the fact that I'm dumping the data without using -a?



Am Dienstag, 20. April 2004 20:40 schrieb Eero af Heurlin:
> Hash: SHA1
> Sonic wrote:
> | I investigated the problem a little bit further and it seems that
> | clean_tag_simple($current_obj_data{"sitegroup"}) is called in line 84 and
> | $current_obj_data{"sitegroup"} is empty. I don't know why this
> happens, but
> | because of that, the unapproved article is not removed from the xml
> file. If
> | anyone has any ideas what I could try, I'd be most grateful.
> You need to make the dump using the _withsg schema (or alternatively if
> you have good reasons not to use sitegroups in the live db [can't think
> of any if you use SGs in the staging db], to remove the sitegroup checks)
> /Rambo
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