Ok, but what can I do to get the moved topic published? In aegir and on the 
staging server, everything looks like it should, but the change isn't copied 
to the live db. BTW: The same holds true for other changes to a topic. When I 
edit a topic's description in aegir, the change isn't copied to the live db 
It seems that remove_unapproved.pl deletes everything that is not specifically 
approved, and since there is no way to approve changes to topics in aegir 
(correct me if I'm wrong!), they can never get published.



Am Mittwoch, 21. April 2004 12:35 schrieb Eero af Heurlin:
> Sonic wrote:
> | Thanks for the tip, approval finally works now. One problem remains,
> though:
> | When I move a topic, the change is not exported to the live db. Does this
> | have to do with the fact that I'm dumping the data without using -a?
> It should not matter, however it might be a good idea to run a -a dump
> nightly or so to make sure expired articles get deleted etc.
> /Rambo
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