Hi, this is a shameless plug for the latest MidCOM+Aegir2 as well as my LAMPP
packages :-)

Michael Ross asked me how to test this, I forward the answer to this list so
others can test it as well.

Quoting Michael Ross: (after installing Midgard using LAMPP)
> Now that has got to have been the simplest and easiest setup of Midgard
> I have ever done.  Good job!  I think this should be promoted as the
> best solution for new organisations and beginners.

> Do you plan on releasing an 'alpha' or 'development' package containing
> Aegir 2 as an addon?
The next Midgard Release 1.8, should contain MidCOM 2.6 and thus Aegir2.

Then it will come ready made.

Before that, you have to do the following:
0. Create a midcom host using the midcom that comes with lampp.
1. Download the latest cvs to the box.
2. Update the midcom-static link to point to the new static directory in

3. Now you must link inn the schemafiles needed for midcom 2.6 and add the
database tables to midgard (this will be done automaticly in 1.8 I think).
start with a find:
find midcom-cvs/ -name "*.sql"
Use mysql to add these files :
mysql -u root -p midgard < $each_file
Then you must create a schema.xml file in /opt/lampp/share/midgard/schema (yes
the directory must also be created) that contains the following:
<include file="/the/full/path/to/mgdschema.xml" />

You'll end up with about 4 to 6 includes.

4. Then restart apache.

Now you are ready :-)

5. The first thing you do now is to go to the midcom host you have created, and
navigate to the settingspage. It is usually in

There, you must set the midcom path to the full path to the new midcom
instalation. Example:

Note that you must point to the _lib_ directory.

6. Now, you must clear the cache:
run hostname/prefix/midcom-cache-invalidate

And you should now have MidCOM 2.6 installed.

7. To test Aegir2, create a new topic that uses the midcom.admin.aegir module.

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