Just to update this with a bit more info:

An example schema file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Schema xmlns="http://www.midgard-project.org/repligard/1.4";>

You need to add a line to your Lampp Apache's Midgard vhost file (that's a bit 
of mouthful)
e.g. edit: /opt/lampp/etc/midgard/apache/vhosts/myhost_8001

and add a MidgardSchema line to it
add: MidgardSchema /opt/lampp/share/michard/schema/schema.xml

If you run into problems, check the schema.xml file with xmllint.  I found that 
errors caused Apache to segfault.

You may also have problems when you go to midcom-cache-invalidate.  I found 
that it came up with a "Midcom not initialised error".  I have attached 
Tarjei's solution for this below:

--Tarjei's solution--
When you created the host ænd topics in /midgard you got one topic called 
<hostname>/<prefix> topic and one <hostname>/<prefix> ais topic

first you need to get the guid from those two. use Aegir.

Then , with spider-admin (A1 doesn't support host parameters) go to the midcom 
host in question and take a look at the parameters it contains.

It should contain something like
midcom_site ais_topic <guid>
midcom_site topic <guid>

(you should take an older host and compare what midcom parameters the 
hostrecord has).

I actually found I had to create the midcom_site ais_topic and topic entries 
and also found that I had to recreate the actual AIS topic in order to get a 
GUID I could use (it was blank).

Thats where I have got to so far.  But now I have run into another problem:

Fatal error: Class midcom_core_privilege: Cannot inherit from undefined class
midcom_core_privilege_db in
/opt/lampp/share/midgard/midcom-cvs/fs-midcom/lib/midcom/core/privilege.php on
line 47

This happened when I tried to run midcom-cache-invalidate

Any ideas?

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