I'm trying to create no.odindata.quickform by AIS. Creating the component
works ok but I get HTTP error 500 when I try to use "create item" in order
to create a new form. After this user can see a default form with name,
email and comment fields on the site but admin can't see the created form in

Does anyone know what is going on? Is there any docs about the quickform

I attached my midcom log below (sorry about it's length). 

My environment:
  Midgard 1.7.0 
  PHP 4.3.10-16 
  MidCOM 2.4.5 
  MidCOM template 2005.07.18 
  Aegir 1.0.3 
  SpiderAdmin 1.4.0-RC2
  Mysql 4.0.24


PS. Thanks for Arttu for the reply to my questions concerning styles!

-- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< --

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] Start of MidCOM run
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] ARGC = 4; ARGV =
Variable Type: array
    [0] => 43
    [1] => data
    [2] => item
    [3] => create
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_services_cache::initialize: Auto-Loading
module content
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache::load_module: Loading the
module file cache/module/content.php, expecting class
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache::load_module: Creating and
initializing an instance of the cache module content.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache_backend::initialize: DBA Cache
backend 'mysite.dynip.net_80_' initialized to file:
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache_backend::initialize: DBA Cache
backend 'mysite.dynip.net_80__data' initialized to file:
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache_module_content::_check_hit: We
are in uncached operation, skipping check_hit detection.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug]
midcom_services_cache_module_content::_start_caching: Starting output
buffering with disabled implicit flush...
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_services_cache::initialize: Auto-Loading
module nap
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache::load_module: Loading the
module file cache/module/nap.php, expecting class
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache::load_module: Creating and
initializing an instance of the cache module nap.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache_backend::initialize: DBA Cache
backend 'NAP_0e5a6980d30344699d7f6bb4734ae321' initialized to file:
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::start-services: Initializing
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::start-services: ... i18n
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_i18n::_read_cookie: No
midcom_services_i18n Cookie on this site
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_i18n::_read_http_negotiation:
Language preference array:
Variable Type: array
    [fi] => 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_services_i18n::_set_startup_langs: Set current
language to fi with charset ISO-8859-15 (HTTP)
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::start-services: ... done
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_i18n::get_l10n: midcom/default was
not found in the cache, loading it now.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::codeinit: Creating URL Parser
with argc/v from global Environment
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::codeinit: ARGC = 4; ARGV =
Variable Type: array
    [0] => 43
    [1] => data
    [2] => item
    [3] => create
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] URL Parser: Trying to fetch variable with prefix
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] URL Parser: $this->argv[0] (43) does not start with
prefix >midcom<
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Trying to
load component midcom.admin.content
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Instantiating
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Loading
sitewide configuration
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Array Constructor
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Array Constructor
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_i18n::get_l10n:
midcom.admin.content/default was not found in the cache, loading it now.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi:: Loading the contents of file
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi:: Successfully loaded
(file format version 2.1.0)
Dec 07 23:30:44 [warn]
midcom_helper__componentloader::get_component_property: Requested unkown
property key 2 for component midcom.admin.content
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Component
midcom.admin.content loaded successfully
Dec 07 23:30:44 [warn]
midcom_helper__componentloader::get_component_property: Requested unkown
property key 2 for component midcom.admin.content
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::get_component_class:
Instantinating midcom_admin_content_component.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::_loadconfig: Trying to load
configuration for midcom.admin.content
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Midgard Object
Constructor called
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration::_store_from_object:
Accessing the parameter domain midcom.admin.content from $object
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Array Constructor
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::can_handle: We have 4
Variable Type: array
    [0] => 43
    [1] => data
    [2] => item
    [3] => create
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_application::_checkobject: Component
midcom.admin.content will handle request.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_application::_handle: Component
midcom.admin.content attempts to handle the request
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_services_cache_module_content::no_cache:
Caching disabled by no_cache() method, sending appropriate headers.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_application::_set_current_context: Setting
active context to 1.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: Context created:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/data/
    [2] => 1
    [3] => MidgardTopic Object
            [__table__] => topic
            [id] => 16
            [sitegroup] => 2
            [midcom_component] => de.linkm.taviewer
            [midcom_style] => /Muotikaupan Liito WWW
            [midcom.helper.nav_navorder] => 0
            [midcom.helper.metadata_approved] => 1133130854
            [midcom.helper.metadata_approver] =>
            [up] => 0
            [score] => 0
            [name] => 192-168-0-10-root-topic
            [description] => 
            [extra] => root topic
            [owner] => 6
            [code] => 
            [creator] => 1
            [created] => 1133100100
            [revisor] => 1
            [revised] => 1133885185
            [revision] => 14

    [4] => MidgardTopic Object
            [__table__] => topic
            [id] => 43
            [sitegroup] => 2
            [midcom_component] => no.odindata.quickform
            [midcom.helper.nav_navorder] => 0
            [up] => 35
            [score] => 0
            [name] => tilauskaavake
            [description] => 
            [extra] => tilauskaavake
            [owner] => 6
            [code] => 
            [creator] => 3
            [created] => 1133990944
            [revisor] => 3
            [revised] => 1133990944
            [revision] => 0

    [6] => no.odindata.quickform
    [7] => 
    [8] => 
    [9] => 
    [100] => 
    [102] => 
    [101] => 
    [103] => 
    [1000] => Array

    [1] => admin
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: Local Data Cache:
Variable Type: array
    [context] => 1
    [adminprefix] => /midcom-admin/ais/
    [admintopicprefix] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/
    [adminmode] => data
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: We are in Data
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Trying to
load component no.odindata.quickform
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Instantiating
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Trying to
load component midcom.helper.datamanager
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Instantiating
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Component
midcom.helper.datamanager loaded successfully
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] no_odindata_quickform_midcom midcom::initialize:
Loading default configuration
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Array Constructor
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Array Constructor
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_i18n::get_l10n:
no.odindata.quickform/default was not found in the cache, loading it now.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi::
does not exist, creating an empty language array therefore.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language en::
does not exist, creating an empty language array therefore.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_helper__componentloader::_load: Component
no.odindata.quickform loaded successfully
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug]
midcom_helper__componentloader::get_contentadmin_class: Instantinating
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: Command object
has been created:
Variable Type: object: midcom_admin_content__cmddata
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: Preparing Main
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/create/
    [1] => Luo alakansio
    [2] => 
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/new-dir.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/create/
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/edit/
    [1] => Muokkaa kansiota
    [2] => 
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/edit-folder.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/edit/
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/score/
    [1] => Järjestele kansiota
    [2] => 
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/topic-score.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/score/
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/delete/
    [1] => Poista kansio
    [2] => 
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/trash.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/topic/delete/
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/attachment/
    [1] => Kansion liitteet
    [2] => 
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/attach.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/attachment/
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: Command executing
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration: Midgard Object
Constructor called
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration::_store_from_object:
Accessing the parameter domain no.odindata.quickform from $object
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_configuration::_store_from_object: No
parameters found, assuming empty domain.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_i18n::get_l10n:
midcom.helper.datamanager/default was not found in the cache, loading it
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_load_schema_database:
Trying to load Layout database from the snippet
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Object has no
schema, trying to use default: config
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Got Layout
config. Validating it...
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Layout config
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: We have to
translate the schema using the database no.odindata.quickform.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi:: Loading the contents of file
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi:: Successfully loaded
/usr/share/midgard/midcom/lib/midcom/locale/default.fi.txt (file format
version 2.1.0)
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language en:: Loading the contents of file
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language en:: Successfully loaded
/usr/share/midgard/midcom/lib/midcom/locale/default.en.txt (file format
version 2.1.0)
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => mail_new_item
    [datatype] => boolean
    [helptext] => mail new item
    [hidden] => 1
    [default] => 1
    [name] => mail_new_item
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type
midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_checkbox for field mail_new_item.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Mailadress to send the form to
    [datatype] => text
    [helptext] => Who should get the mail?
    [location] => config
    [config_key] => mail_address_to
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [start_fieldgroup] => Array
            [title] => Mailsettings

    [name] => mail_address_to
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field mail_address_to.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Email subject
    [datatype] => text
    [helptext] => The subject of the email
    [location] => config
    [config_key] => mail_subject
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [name] => mail_subject
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field mail_subject.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Which mailaddress should the mail come from?
    [datatype] => text
    [helptext] => Which mailaddress should the mail come from?
    [location] => config
    [config_key] => mail_address_from
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [name] => mail_address_from
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field mail_address_from.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Send mail to submitter? (BIG NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE A
'email' attribute in the form schema for this to work!
    [datatype] => boolean
    [location] => config
    [config_key] => mail_reciept
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [helptext] => Do you want to send a recept to the submitter of the form?
    [name] => mail_reciept
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type
midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_checkbox for field mail_reciept.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Message to send to user
    [datatype] => text
    [widget] => text
    [location] => config
    [config_key] => mail_reciept_message
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [widget_text_height] => 4em
    [widget_text_inputstyle] => longtext
    [helptext] => If you want to write a note to the user, write it here.
    [name] => mail_reciept_message
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field mail_reciept_message.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Include submitted data in reciept?
    [datatype] => boolean
    [location] => config
    [config_key] => mail_reciept_data
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [helptext] => 
    [end_fieldgroup] => 
    [name] => mail_reciept_data
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type
midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_checkbox for field mail_reciept_data.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Message over the form
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => config
    [widget] => html
    [config_key] => form_description
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [widget_text_height] => 4em
    [helptext] => topic_introduction_help
    [name] => topic_introduction
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_html
for field topic_introduction.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => Thank you message to the user
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => config
    [widget] => html
    [config_key] => end_message
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [widget_text_height] => 4em
    [default] => 
    [helptext] => This message is shown to the user after the form has been
    [name] => end_message
    [hidden] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_html
for field end_message.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => schemadb
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => config
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [hidden] => 1
    [config_key] => schemadb
    [name] => schemadb
    [helptext] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field schemadb.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => public posting user
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => config
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [config_key] => form_user
    [hidden] => 1
    [name] => form_user
    [helptext] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field form_user.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => public posting password
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => config
    [config_domain] => no.odindata.quickform
    [config_key] => form_pass
    [widget_text_inputstyle] => password
    [end_fieldgroup] => 
    [hidden] => 1
    [name] => form_pass
    [helptext] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field form_pass.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => topic_urlname
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => name
    [hidden] => 1
    [name] => topic_urlname
    [helptext] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field topic_urlname.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_true_init: Processing
Variable Type: array
    [description] => topic_title
    [datatype] => text
    [location] => name
    [hidden] => 1
    [name] => topic_title
    [helptext] => 
    [readonly] => 
    [required] => 
    [aisonly] => 
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager_datatype::_constructor: We
have to instantinate a widget of type midcom_helper_datamanager_widget_text
for field topic_title.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_datamanager::_populate_data: Array
Variable Type: array
    [_schema] => config
    [_storage_type] => topic
    [_storage_id] => 43
    [_storage_guid] => 1636f77a4509930867699b21ec734493
    [mail_new_item] => 1
    [mail_address_to] => 
    [mail_subject] => 
    [mail_address_from] => 
    [mail_reciept] => 
    [mail_reciept_message] => 
    [mail_reciept_data] => 
    [topic_introduction] => 
    [end_message] => 
    [schemadb] => 
    [form_user] => 
    [form_pass] => 
    [topic_urlname] => tilauskaavake
    [topic_title] => tilauskaavake
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/configuration of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/configuration_dm of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/l10n of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/l10n_midcom of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/errstr of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/auth of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_admin_content_main::handle: Data Component
declared unable to handle the request.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::_handle: Command execution
Result was:
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::_handle: Preparing Meta
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] _basicnav::_loadNode: Parent node is not loaded,
traversing upwards to find missing nodes.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] _basicnav::_loadNode: Adding 35 (tiedotus) to load
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] _basicnav::_loadNode: Adding 16
(192-168-0-10-root-topic) to load queue
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Trying to load
NAP data for topic 16...
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Cache hit for
the guid 16.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Node structure
to return:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => 192-168-0-10-root-topic/
    [1] => root topic
    [11] => 
    [15] => 
    [100] => 1
    [102] => 1
    [101] => 1133100100
    [103] => 1133885185
    [10] => 0e5a6980d30344699d7f6bb4734ae321
    [5] => 16
    [6] => node
    [9] => 0
    [12] => de.linkm.taviewer
    [19] => 
    [20] => 
    [2] => -1
    [17] => 
    [16] => MidgardTopic Object
            [__table__] => topic
            [id] => 16
            [sitegroup] => 2
            [midcom_component] => de.linkm.taviewer
            [midcom_style] => /Muotikaupan Liito WWW
            [midcom.helper.nav_navorder] => 0
            [midcom.helper.metadata_approved] => 1133130854
            [midcom.helper.metadata_approver] =>
            [up] => 0
            [score] => 0
            [name] => 192-168-0-10-root-topic
            [description] => 
            [extra] => root topic
            [owner] => 6
            [code] => 
            [creator] => 1
            [created] => 1133100100
            [revisor] => 1
            [revised] => 1133885185
            [revision] => 14

    [21] => 
    [4] => 1
    [13] => http://mysite.dynip.net/
    [18] => /
    [14] =>
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_loadnodedata: Successfully
loaded NAP data from Topic 16
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Trying to load
NAP data for topic 35...
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Cache hit for
the guid 35.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Node structure
to return:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => tiedotus/
    [1] => Tiedotus
    [11] => 
    [15] => 
    [100] => 3
    [102] => 3
    [101] => 1133907188
    [103] => 1133907188
    [10] => a57a8ae15da90da1e2647fff9d172285
    [5] => 35
    [6] => node
    [9] => 0
    [12] => de.linkm.taviewer
    [19] => 
    [20] => 
    [2] => 16
    [17] => tiedotus/
    [16] => MidgardTopic Object
            [__table__] => topic
            [id] => 35
            [sitegroup] => 2
            [midcom_component] => de.linkm.taviewer
            [midcom.helper.nav_navorder] => 0
            [up] => 16
            [score] => 0
            [name] => tiedotus
            [description] => 
            [extra] => Tiedotus
            [owner] => 6
            [code] => 
            [creator] => 3
            [created] => 1133907188
            [revisor] => 3
            [revised] => 1133907188
            [revision] => 0

    [21] => 
    [4] => 1
    [13] => http://mysite.dynip.net/tiedotus/
    [18] => /tiedotus/
    [14] =>
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_loadnodedata: Successfully
loaded NAP data from Topic 35
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Trying to load
NAP data for topic 43...
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Cache hit for
the guid 43.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_get_node: Node structure
to return:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => tilauskaavake/
    [1] => tilauskaavake
    [11] => 
    [100] => 3
    [102] => 3
    [101] => 1133990944
    [103] => 1133990944
    [10] => 1636f77a4509930867699b21ec734493
    [5] => 43
    [6] => node
    [9] => 0
    [12] => no.odindata.quickform
    [19] => 
    [20] => Array

    [15] => 
    [2] => 35
    [17] => tiedotus/tilauskaavake/
    [16] => MidgardTopic Object
            [__table__] => topic
            [id] => 43
            [sitegroup] => 2
            [midcom_component] => no.odindata.quickform
            [midcom.helper.nav_navorder] => 0
            [up] => 35
            [score] => 0
            [name] => tilauskaavake
            [description] => 
            [extra] => tilauskaavake
            [owner] => 6
            [code] => 
            [creator] => 3
            [created] => 1133990944
            [revisor] => 3
            [revised] => 1133990944
            [revision] => 0

    [21] => 
    [4] => 1
    [13] => http://mysite.dynip.net/tiedotus/tilauskaavake/
    [18] => /tiedotus/tilauskaavake/
    [14] =>
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__componentloader::get_nap_class:
Instantinating no_odindata_quickform_nap.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/configuration of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/configuration_dm of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/l10n of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/l10n_midcom of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/errstr of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::get_custom_context_data: Custom
Component Context Request: no.odindata.quickform/auth of 1
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper__basicnav::_loadnodedata: Successfully
loaded NAP data from Topic 43
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom.helper.metadata::retrieve: We have to load
the schema first
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi:: Loading the contents of file
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] L10N load language fi:: Successfully loaded
t (file format version 2.1.0)
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom.helper.metadata::retrieve: Successfully
created a metadata object for 1636f77a4509930867699b21ec734493.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): We have an
relative URL, transformig it...
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] => /midcom-admin/ais/43/data/
    [1] => 'tilauskaavake':n metadata
    [2] => GUID: 1636f77a4509930867699b21ec734493
    [3] => 
    [4] => 
    [5] => 
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] =>
    [1] => Hyväksy
    [2] => Ei hyväksytty
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/not_approved.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] =>
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] =>
    [1] => Piilota
    [2] => Näkyvä
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/not_hidden.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] =>
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_helper_toolbar::add_item(): Adding Element:
Variable Type: array
    [0] =>
    [1] => Muokkaa metadataa
    [2] => 
    [3] => stock-icons/16x16/properties.png
    [4] => 1
    [5] =>
    [6] => Array

Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_application::_set_current_context: Setting
active context to 0.
Dec 07 23:30:44 [error] midcom_application::_process: Component
midcom.admin.content failed to handle the request:
Dec 07 23:30:44 [error] midcom_application::_process: # Error Code: 500
Dec 07 23:30:44 [error] midcom_application::_process: # Error String:
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_application::generate_error: Error Page
output finished, exitting now
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_application::finish: Finishing
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_services_cache::shutdown: Stopping module nap
Dec 07 23:30:44 [info] midcom_services_cache::shutdown: Stopping module
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug]
midcom_services_cache_module_content::_finish_caching: We are on
no_cache/live mode, flushing output buffer and exitting
Dec 07 23:30:44 [debug] midcom_services_cache::shutdown: END OF MIDCOM

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