> Are you making something like an extranet? 


> If so, I'd 
> recommend you doing this in a bit different way. ViewerGroups 
> is handled in very early state (before sending HTML headers). 
> One problem is also that 'midcom-template' is run only after 
> checking the ViewerGroups, which makes it impossible to 
> override headers set by Midgard.

Ok. This clears out a lot of things for me.

> There is a nice workaround, which allows you to stay in the 
> original URI. You could have something like this set in 
> <(ROOT)> style element:
> ---
> <?php
> if (substr($_MIDGARD['uri'], 0, 8) !== 'extranet' || 
> $_MIDGARD['user']) { ?> <(content)> <?php } else { <(login)> } ?>
> ---
> and then create a style element called 'login':
> ---
> <form method="POST" action="&(midgard.uri);">
>  <fieldset>
>   <legend>Protie login</legend>
>   <label for="midcom-template-username">
>    Username:
>    <input type="text" name="midcom_site[username]" 
> id="midcom-template-username" size="20" />
>   </label>
>   <label for="midcom-template-password">
>    Password:
>   <input type="password" name="midcom_site[password]" 
> id="midcom-template-password" size="20" />
>   </label>
>   <input class="loginform-submit-button" type="submit" 
> name="midcom_site[login]" value="Login" />
>   <div class="disclaimer">
>    This site uses the secure NemeinAuthentication library for 
> authentication.
>    Please ensure that your browser allows cookies to be set 
> by this server.
>   </div>
>  </fieldset>
> </form>
> ---
> You can see that this method relies on URI name spacing and 
> is in this example set for the first level node 'extranet'. 
> This isn't a handy way to deal with AIS, since you have to 
> hard-code the parts which require authentication.
> If someone has a better idea, I wouldn't mind hearing it.

Ok this works now. I already figured out how I can check user's group
and that way implement different authorization levels (at least I think
so :). Great!

...but I have A problem with IE cache now. IE likes to give a cached
copy for the user no matter what. So user is not redirected to the login
page in IE once he has been on the extranet once. I have Midgard caches
disabled. Is adding some cache control into HTTP headers the only way to
get it work? Can I just add them to the beginning of my ROOT style or do
I have to configure Apache to send the proper headers?

> > BTW. Is there a bug in AIS when setting UserGroup permissions. The 
> > folder always disappears from the navigation whenever I change it's 
> > UserGroup permission.
> It shouldn't disappear if you have logged in but yes, it will 
> disappear if ViewerGroups is set to a group the person 
> viewing doesn't belong to. This you can take as a feature.

Strange because I think I tried to check if navigation would behave like
you say it should but I remember that was not the case. I might be wrong
and I can check it out once I have time.


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