We have quite same problem... but we have only one db.

We have  Midgard 1.6.3 with Mulitlang/Midcom, about 60 hosts in several
companies..  MidgardPageCacheDir /var/cache/midgard/
Some styles are shared and used by several hosts in different companies.

Problem:  the different files are the same auto-generate filename and they
are permanently rewrite.

What means: 84-639-153-0.php (I see page_id, element_id ??). It is possible
to change this auto-generate filename? 

Thanks for help

-----Original Message-----
From: Ingo Herz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:52 AM
To: user@midgard-project.org
Subject: [midgard-user] multi database & cache


we have a Midgard/MidCOM setup with some vhosts, grouped into multiple
databases (one for each customer). It runs on Debian sarge with Midgard 1.7.3

from debs, MidCOM site template (2005.11.10) and Apache 1.3. Databases and 
vhosts were created with datagard.

Now the problem: cache-files seem to be created unique per database, but can 
be the same for different pages in different databases. So I was very 
confused as one site got the layout of another etc...

Do I have to set different MidgardPageCacheDirs for the vhosts or what else 
can I do to avoid this?

Thanks for your help and a happy new year to all of you!


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