"Wojciech Chmielewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi 
> We have quite same problem... but we have only one db.
> We have  Midgard 1.6.3 with Mulitlang/Midcom, about 60 hosts in several
> companies..  MidgardPageCacheDir /var/cache/midgard/
> Some styles are shared and used by several hosts in different companies.

By default we set /var/cache/midgard/. You can change this location to any 
directory which suits you and is apache user and group writeable.
> Problem:  the different files are the same auto-generate filename and they
> are permanently rewrite.
> What means: 84-639-153-0.php (I see page_id, element_id ??).

page id , style  id , host id , sitegroup id ( in no particular order ) 

> It is possible to change this auto-generate filename? 

Yep, you should patch apache module.
But it looks like you serve companies or hosts withing SG0.
1.6.x  branch serves cache files even when the same style and the same root 
page is used by different 
sitegroups ( companies ).


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