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- --Arttu Manninen wrote on 2006-03-01 12:59:
>> I've noticed this several times now and thought I'd post ist to the list: 
>> There seems to de a formatting problem in Midgard's documentation pages, 
>> which has the effect that underscores are not displayed, but converted to 
>> <em> tags. This might be a feature, but in the case of class or method 
>> names, it's a bug. For example get_current_leaf() is displayed as 
>> getcurrentleaf() where "current" is written in italics. See
> This is both a bug that came along, when old 'de.linkm.taviewer' 
> documentation was ported to 'net.nemein.wiki' documentation, and a possible 
> mistake of document writers, I think.
> Wiki formatting sees underscore (_) as a start of italics unless an escape 
> character has been used with it (\_). This means that get_current_leaf() will
> display as get<i>current</i>leaf().
> Functions and methods are easy to write wrong and when reading your own text,
> italics are still relatively easy to miss in a long text.

Yeah, this is a well-known problem nowadays, but not trivial to fix because, as
you say, these cases are not exactly easy to spot.

When we start fixing this, I recommend some different approach. Instead of
masking the underscores and thus having the function name set in normal type,
quote it using backticks, like this:

"some text with `a_function_name()` being mentioned"

This will have the "a_function_name()" piece set in a monospaced font, the
common way to denote any programming constructs within normal text. See MRFC 26
for a few examples how this'll look.

Live long and Prosper!
Torben Nehmer

- --
Torben Nehmer, Guenzburg, Bavaria, Germany
http://www.nathan-syntronics.de, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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