Hello all,

We're working for a while now with ofbiz and opentaps and run into an
issue which we can't seem to resolve ourselves.
We're having a webapp in the hot-deploy in opentaps (revision 4960) and
seemingly quite randomly the system 'looses' the locale. The webapp is a
website, not behind a login. When looking in the log, the
parameters.locale is not there and the system uses the initialLocale which
is en_GB.

These are the settings in general.properties:

1.      -- the default currency to use for prices, etc

1.      -- the default decimal format for currency

1.      -- locales made available separated by comma's

1.      -- the default country for drop downs

During the request the only service used is getElectronicText and nowhere
in the content and dataresource records do we have the locale en_GB.
Also, we only encounter this on the server we use; on the localhost the
problem is not there (same opentap revision:4960)

Your help is much appreciated.


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